Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Splendor of "Running Home"

By: Lindsay Cummings

                I will begin this entry by apologizing for my ridiculously long departure from my blog and everything social media.  My excuse is my wedding.  It had to be planned and perfected, requiring much attention and love.  Now I am back and so is my voracious appetite for reading and writing.

                Recently the ever amazing and brilliant Julie Hutchings released her debut novel, “Running Home”. I promptly downloaded it. Being a fan of hers and genuinely liking her as a person, it was a no-brainer for me to read her book. Low and behold the same day I downloaded her novel, another book I had pre-ordered revealed itself on my Kindle.  Normally this would not deter me; however, I had been all but salivating over its arrival.

                I ogled both titles, knowing I had a decision to make. The pre-ordered novel glistened and coaxed me to read it first. I regretfully put Julie’s novel aside…Just for one more week.

                I read the pre-ordered book in a matter of two days. I was completely let down. An author, that will remain nameless, had released a new Paranormal Romance novel. Though this genre differed from her usual Contemporary Romance books, I had extremely high hopes. As I finished the last few words in the novel, I was utterly disenchanted.

                 I bitched and moaned to my husband that after all of my waiting and patience, the book was rushed and underdeveloped. A crime if you ask me.

                Hoping to cheer up my despondent heart, I picked up Julie’s book. Not really knowing what to expect, my eyes immediately latched on to her words and did not let go. She had me hooked from page one until the end.

                 Honestly, I am a lover of all genres. I do believe that Paranormal Romance is probably one of the hardest to perfect and make distinctive.  Julie achieved this and then some. She found a flow that crossed between Horror and Paranormal Romance. It provoked thoughts and feelings, while sending shivers down my spine. The novel kept me guessing at mostly every turn, and was so beautifully created that I sighed in relief.

                This novel was what I had been looking for. Running Home is everything I had wanted to feel from the other book and then some. I was so proud of my dazzling friend for writing one of the most unique and well written books I have read all year. Her ideas were exceptional and so were her exquisitely developed characters. Just enough fear, lust and wonder to keep me hanging on every word.

                The furtive Nicholas French and the distraught Eliza Morgan find themselves drawn together in a sea of inexplicable awareness and adoration for one another. The blending of modern day vampirism and ancient Japanese culture is imaginative and vivid.  

                *This may not be a traditional review, as I am not by any means a book reviewer. But as a reader and a writer, I had to give credit where credit is due. Thank you Mrs. Hutchings for renewing my faith in Vampires everywhere.

 Please click the link to purchase Running Home on Amazon...NOW! :
Also, take an extra minute to check out Julie's other writing haven. Julie Hutchings and Kristen Strassel make up the talented undead duo. Both are wonderful authors and highly diligent with their ever growing and evolving blog
Follow Julie on Twitter: @HutchingsJulie


  1. Lindsey! This made me so happy, it's obnoxious. There are no words to tell you how happy I am that MY book made you feel like this. It's all I ever wanted. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I love you to bits. And congratulations, darling!


  2. Great review! I'm gonna have to read this one soon. Glad to see you're back!! We missed you...
